At the Y sports and recreational activities are something special. It is all about fun and fair play. Friendly competition, lots of variety and a supportive environment mean team sports and recreation are fun again, and it makes for a healthier lifestyle.


Pickup Basketball

Did you know that basketball was invented by YMCA Director James Naismith in 1891? Pick-up basketball has been around ever since! Basketball is a great way to stay in shape, meet new members, and have fun. So join your fellow Y members in a pick-up game during your lunch break!

Location: YMCA of Bristol
Ages: 16+

Days of the Week: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
Time: 6:00 AM & 12:00 PM

Days of the Week: Saturdays
Time: 8:00 AM


  • YMCA Members or guests of the YMCA only